Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven

There are a lot of ways we can let our light shine as Christians. People really do want to find a light of hope. Being able to teach the word is something that we all should try to get better at. You’re never going to get better at if you don’t start somewhere.  There are some simple things we can do to get started. Three helpful hints:

  1. How hard is it too simply say “I love Jesus to someone” or I love going to Church.  If we all would try and to that, when possible, just once a week you might be surprised at questions or interest you will get in the Lord.
  2. Take a snapshot and give it to someone that you know is struggling on one of the several topics we have. Here, read this and it might help you, or if you want to talk more I would love to do that.
  3. One of the best ways we can let our light shine is to get comfortable just saying NO! When Satan knocks on your door and ask you to choose him over God the answer is NO! I don’t have to list all the temptations that he tries and pulls us away with. We all know.  Remember the old saying just say No! I am going to let my light shine.