Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles



It is no secret that Christians are hated by “the world” – i.e., those who reject Jesus Christ. This fact is often stated in the Scriptures: “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake” (Mt.5:11). “And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved” (Mt.10:22). “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake” (Mt.24:9). “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (Jn.15:18). “Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you” (1Jn.3:13). In this article, we want to examine “why” this is so.

Christians believe God created man in His image (Gn.1:26-27). Since God is a Spirit (Jn.4:24), it is our spirits that are made in His image. From a “hierarchical perspective,” the Scripture says that God made man “a little lower than the angels” (Ps.8:4-8). By contrast, the world believes man evolved to “just a little above the ape.” These two worldviews are complete opposites; therefore, the world hates us. Simply put, we aspire to be like God; they don’t!

Christians believe God created only two genders (Gen 1:27; Mt 19:4). Indeed, both Scripture and science teach that one’s gender is determined by their genetic makeup. If one is a biological male who “feels like a woman,” then he has psychological issues! By contrast, the world believes one can “choose” one’s own gender. Ironically, the world also believes that sexual conduct IS genetically determined by “the gay gene.” But Christians believe sexual conduct is a moral choice, with eternal consequences (1Th.4:1-8). These two worldviews are complete opposites; therefore, the world hates us.

Christians believe that every human life has value (Gn.9:6). The worth of a human life is determined by two things: 1) It is made in the image of God (Gn.1:27); and 2) Christ died for every human being (Jn.3:16). This intrinsic value also translates into the way Christians treat others (Mt.22:34-40). Christians do not treat others differently because of financial status, social status, race, or national origin (cf. Ga.3:26-29). By contrast, the world believes one’s worth is inherently tied to such things. These two worldviews are complete opposites; therefore, the world hates us.

Christians believe that marriage is a life-long commitment (Rm.7:1-3). This means marriage should not be entered into lightly, for it cannot be dissolved on a whim (Mt.19:3-9). This, in turn, provides a stable environment for rearing children. By contrast, the world believes that marriage is disposable -- perhaps even unnecessary. Such thinking leads to easy divorce, living together outside of marriage, and single-parent families as a matter of choice. These two worldviews are complete opposites; therefore, the world hates us. 

Christians believe that God controls the environment (Gn.8:22; Col.1:17). This is why we do not worry about various changes in weather patterns! God is in charge, and this world will exist until He destroys it (2Pt.3:10). Further, we know that mankind will be living here until the day that God ends it (1Cor.15:51-52; 1Th.4:15-18). By contrast, the world believes that man can control the environment even to the point of determining how long the earth remains inhabitable. These two worldviews are complete opposites; therefore, the world hates us.

Christians believe in absolute truth in an age of relativism (Jn.8:32; Jn.17:17). We look to the revealed word of God as the absolute standard of conduct – a standard which shall one day determine our eternal destiny (Jn.12:48). By contrast, the world says “there is no absolute truth.” And yet, if that is true, then that very statement (i.e., “there is no absolute truth”) is itself a lie! These two worldviews are complete opposites; therefore, the world hates us.

I am sure this list could be expanded upon. But this should be enough to help you understand why you, as a Christian, are hated by the world. We live by what we believe; but the world hates BOTH what we believe, and how we live. Nevertheless, I say to you: Do not fret, because God loves you!

--Lanny Smith (idea from JR Bronger)